Top 10
01. (0) Euro Truck Simulator 2
02. (0) Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
03. (+1) The Sims 3
04. (-1) World of Warcraft
05. (0) Might & Magic Heroes 6
06. (+1) Mount & Blade: Warband
07. (0) Scania Truck Driving Simulator
08. (+2) Euro Truck Simulator
09. (-1) Civilization 5
10. (+4) Starcraft 2
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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
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Splash Damage
Homepage(s): www.enemyterritory.com
Available Downloads at The Patches Scrolls
Latest patch: 1.5
Patch 1.5
Macintosh Client version 1.5 (111MB) Windows Client update 1.4 to 1.5 (101MB) Windows Client version 1.5 (528MB) Windows dedicated server version 1.5 (434MB) Windows SDK version 1.5 (145MB) Linux Client update 1.4 to 1.5 (102MB) Linux Client full version 1.5 (530MB) Linux dedicated server version 1.5 (431MB)
List of changes (english forum) List of changes (german forum)
Patch 1.4
Windows Client (453MB)
Windows Dedicated Server (436MB)
Linux Client (449MB)
Linux Dedicated Server (426MB) SDK version 1.4 (147MB) MegaTexture Pack version 1.4 (481MB)
List of changes and discussion forums
Patch 1.2
Windows Client & dedicated server
Linux dedicated server (418MB)
Linux client (272MB)
List of Changes in 1.2 and discussion forums
Patch 1.1
Windows Client ( 21MB)
Linux dedicated server ( 418MB)
of Changes in 1.1 and discussion forums
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